
Committed to
providing a full range of electrode foil products for global aluminum electrolytic capacitor customers
The electrode foil, the main product, is a basic functional material, which has been listed in the National Catalogue of Key Products and Services of Strategic Emerging Industries
has been selected as one of the top 100 electronic components enterprises in China for 24 consecutive years
Won-national "specialization and novelty" little giant enterprise, China's top 100 electronic components enterprise, national high-tech enterprise and other honors
Xingdong Yijia
Nantong Xingdong Yijia Charity Foundation
Xingdong Yijia Foundation practices the concept of "happy sports, helping others to be happy", and regularly carries out public welfare activities around two specific groups: nursing homes and primary schools.
Creation makes an industry leader
Nantong Haixing Electronics Co., Ltd.
For 24 consecutive years, it has been selected as one of China's top 100 electronic components enterprises.
Founded in 1998, HAIXING is an important participant and promoter of electronic energy storage materials industry. After more than 20 years of intensive cultivation, HAIXING has established three production bases in Nantong, Jiangsu, Ya 'an, Sichuan and Shizuishan, Ningxia. Its production and sales scale, technical level, product quality, market share and per capita efficiency rank in the forefront of domestic peers, and its customers are first-class manufacturers in major global mainstream markets including Chinese mainland, Taiwan Province, Japan and South Korea.
  • 1998Year
    Founding time
  • 23,920million
    Registered capital
  • 603115
    Shares code
  • More than 700+people
    In-service employee
  • More than 6+regions
Application area
Consumption electronics
Intelligence terminal
Industrial control
5G and industrial internet
New energy generation
New energy vehicle
Industrial Distribution
Haixing has built R&D and production bases, foreign trade, investment and R&D windows in many regions at home and abroad

With more than 20 years of intensive cultivation, Haixing has established three production bases in Nantong, Jiangsu, Ya'an, Sichuan, and Shizuishan, Ningxia. The production and sales scale, technical level, product quality, market share, and per capita efficiency rank among the top domestic counterparts.

News Information
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